Cafe Latte? Giddy-Up!

Ever since I found out that Seinfeld was on Netflix again, I haven’t done anything but watch the fantastic four journey through their lives. TV, laptop, Phone. Its all been Seinfeld.

I just watched The Maestro episode and for those obsessive fans like me, you will know that this is the episode that Kramer spills the cafe latte all over himself while trying to sneak it into the movies. In honor of the balm that cured the burns, I wanted to throw out a cafe latte recipe so you can make it at home!

RECIPE - Cafe Latte
Prep Time: 5 Mins
Total Time: 5 Mins
Recipe makes 1 serving


1 Cup Singh Beans Hudson Blend Brewed Coffee
1/2 Cup Milk
Optional: Sweetener, Vanilla


Step 1 - Brew 1 Cup of Singh Beans Hudson Blend Coffee using your favourite brewing method. Visit our Brew Guides for inspiration.

Step 2 - Heat the 1/2 cup of milk in a microwave or on the stove for 45 seconds. Optional: add vanilla extract or your favourite sweetener to the milk prior to heating it.

Step 3 - Take the heated milk and whisk vigorously until the milk becomes frothy.

Step 4 - Pour the frothy milk over the coffee.

Step 5 - Find the perfect seat. Sit and Enjoy.


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